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God bless you. We thank God for all of you who have stood together with us during this challenging time. As we begin to look to upcoming meetings in Africa, Michigan and the needs of our community, we are seeing God at work. Despite riots and violence here and in Richmond, Virginia, we joined with 50 churches & hundreds of prayer warriors on the Virginia Beach boardwalk, and by Zoom and Facebook LIVE, as well as at the “Neptune stage"  to worship and praise God and intercede for our nation and community.


All for Jesus
Just like 2Chronicles 20:21, the singers were in front, led by Pastor John Blanchard (Rock Church), Mayor Bobby Dyer, the mayor of Virginia Beach.. The Unity Walk moved at a "quick step" as Pastor Neverette Yarbough declared, covering the one mile in 18 minutes as they walked and sang, some from behind their masks. Beach goers and hotel guests looked on, (many of them rejoicing with us), as people of diverse ethnic backgrounds, young and old, representatives from the Virginia Beach Police Department, moved in a testimony of God's love, power and healing.
(Check out the video)
I THOUGHT YOU WOULD ENJOY THISVIDEO MiX OF THE UNITY WALK. ''BEST OF"' 12 MINUTES FROM the WALK WITH "WAVY 10 news" report. SOUNDS BEST WITH HEADSET- We did a stereo pan of different phone AUDIO from the walk. Forgive the stream drop outs- think of the signal dropouts as flaws in fine leather.
13 Years Later - the Miracle Continues

Thirteen years ago, I was on my back in the intensive care unit of North Shore University Hospital in New York. Just a short time earlier, as I was preparing to minister at Rock the Block, I had nearly lost consciousness during set up. A TC van took me to the hospital.
Miracle #1-Within 9 minutes from the front door, I was in ICU.
Miracle #2-The doctor walked in and grimly asked, "Are your affairs in order. Mr Gillott? I’m sorry, you have six massive pulmonary emboli lodged in your lungs. You will not survive the night. BUT OUR GOD HAS THE LAST WORD!!

The most critical clinical finding was my right side systolic pressure. A right side systolic pressure of 30 is normal, 50 is critical, 60 is fatal! At that 60 mm, cardiac tissue fails and the heart explodes. My right side systolic pressure was not 60, 65 or 70, 80 or 85. It was 86. That's 26 points past fatal.

By the time I got to the hospital in New York, my condition medically had become desperate. The CAT scan revealed six large emboli in my lungs and left leg, the doctor shared, "Examinations showed more small clots than can I can count as well as fragments lodged throughout the lung," The accumulated impact of DVTs  (deep vein thrombosis) developed over many mission flights. Only God's grace saved me. CLICK FOR VIDEO. See Cathy's Corner below for the rest of the story.

~ ~ God is SO FAITHFUL ~ ~

“Don’t be afraid,
for I am with you.
Don’t be discouraged,
for I am your God.

I will strengthen you
and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10

Thirteen years ago, on July 23, 2007, my cell phone rang in Gloucester. It was Bernie. He called with the horrifying news that he was in the intensive care unit in New York. The doctor had just told him, "I am sorry Mr Gillott, you have six inoperable pulmonary embolism in your lungs. You will not survive the night."

Bernie said, "I love you," and there was silence. In that moment his words sank in. His extensive traveling schedule had caused DVT blood clots and they moved from his leg to his lungs. Testing revealed six “giant” pulmonary embolisms they said would take his life.

When I received the news, there was that moment of fear. It was quickly replaced by anger that the enemy was going to try to take my husband, followed by a fierce determination that God would have the last word. Of course, Bernie only remembers me saying, "Don't you dare stop breathing till I get there!"

Bern's pulse-ox was under 60, he was on pure oxygen and still unable to get his breath. The tissue in his lungs was damaged and the right side of his heart was about to burst.

Even though the doctor's prognosis was, "No hope," we prayed, along with many of you. Despite the doctors dire prediction, God gave us a promise in Psalm 118:17. “You will not die, you will live, and declare my glory to the nations." God, in His faithfulness, raised Bernie from that hospital bed. I am still SO GRATEFUL for all of you that joined us in prayer as we watched God do the MIRACLE!

He left the hospital, on oxygen, in a wheelchair. The doctors warned us that survival would demand a total lifestyle change. The specialist shared, "Because of the damage to your heart and lungs, you will not be a missionary again. Perhaps you could pastor a small church? If you share sitting down, you may have a two years."

Watching Him lead the Unity March, one mile in 18 minutes as we sang with hundreds of worshipers, was another testimony of God's healing. The doctor had warned, “If he boards a plane again, when the aircraft reaches altitude, his heart will burst." He reminded us that we really did not have much time. "In 80% of cases, following a right side systolic pressure over 60 -- (Bernie's had been 86) survival rate is less than three years.

With his warning ringing in our ears, we still went home believing God. Within six weeks, diagnostic tests began to confirm that God was doing a MIRACLE. On September 6, 2007, Bernie returned to C*ba on a critical mission. Our God is AWESOME! Through four air flights, Norfolk to- Miami- to H*v*n* and home to Virginia, God kept him. That was just the beginning.

I am not sure what report you have been given, not sure what you have been told, not sure what THEY said, but we know this --God has the last word. The name of Jesus is the final authority.

To be honest, I do not know what you are facing today, but I DO know that you DO NOT face it alone. We have traveled over a million miles since July 2007 and God is still not done with us.

God is faithful and His promise is true. “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10.

Not just 13 years ago, but over and over and over, God has been so LOVING and so FAITHFUL!  And we are so GRATEFUL! Whose report will you believe? We will believe the report of the Lord. To God be the glory, great things He has done!



You may not be able to pack your bags and get on a plane with us, but you can travel the GLOBE from home. BE A PART of the miracle as we carry the gospel around the world. Volunteer an hour, a day, a week

) Find out how you can help to prepare transcripts from available media, edit video, or categorize, organize & title photos,

2) We need volunteers to help in our office with record keeping and report preparation.

3) Can you help? We need help with Power points, flash drives, graphics, video,

If you can help, TEXT --
--"I can Help"

to (757) 218-8499
or email us Bernstuff@aol.com
Posted Aug 25, 2007

In the hospital today for my echo-cardiogram, I heard the cardiologist speak to the technician on the other side of the curtain.

Pay particular attention to the descending vena cava. . He said

"I understand that if this guy is still alive in 90 days, they may try that new dissecting pulmonary thrombi-embolectomy surgery in San Diego, but this is bad, not much chance of that."

I said, "Yo, I'm still here. I won't be in the San Diego hospital in 90 days, I will be on the mission field!

We do not minimize the report of science, bit I am so glad we have the report of faith. In spite of the words of the cardiologist, I am confident that I will still be alive in 90 days and ... Cathy knows I expect to be preparing for my trip to C*ba by then!

Returning Home
What a delight when I got home, Bernie & Sara brought our granddaughter to cheer me up and they spent weeks with me as I needed extra care.
We are delighted when Natalie, now 14, can join us on our Thursday TC Worldwide Prayer and Praise Facebook LIVE. She has such a beautiful voice.
Give securely ONLINE now
During these extraordinary times, we are incredibly grateful to you for your continuing support. Even though our church services and mission trips have been canceled, thanks to the technology, we are ministering to TC staff, students along with friends and partners around the world. We receive no salary from GTC. All (but one) of our scheduled services for 2020 were canceled but we are currently beginning to schedule services. Thank you for being our lifeline.

YOUR HEALTH, YOUR FAMILY, & AND YOUR FINANCES. WE LOVE YOU! Thank you to all who have given sacrificially, may God bless you.
~CLICK HERE TO JOIN US with TC Worldwide on THURSDAY ~ www.facebook.com/BernieCathyGTC
or join us on FACEBOOK REWIND
PLEASE visit our NEW FAN page "BernieCathyGTC"-LIKE & Follow



Hmmm-it appears we have
some open dates-
actually LOTS of open dates!
Please call! We are still doing streaming ministry and zoom.


w/ Rev Willy Rumenera

Narok, Kenya
October 28-31, 2020

(return to top)


email us at
or call Cathy @ 757.218.8499

Sunday, September 13, 2020

"The Assembly"
Missions Service
Jackson, Michigan

Sunday, October 28, 2020

Christian Chapel A/G
Virginia Beach, Virginia ~~10:30am
Pastor Dustin Pinto

(return to top)

As we have been on our faces seeking God's face and Father's direction, He is beginning to resurrect our 2020 schedule.

Though we are still in lock-down, we are actively engaged with cyber ministry opportunities worldwide. Through Zoom, Facebook Live and WhatsApp we are still reaching out. A time like this lets us know that can we have chapel by FACETIME with 4 different TC centers in 4 different nations on the same day. AND without security or airport pat downs-LOL.










Again I say
unto you,
That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done
for them of
my Father which is in heaven.


But first--Let's thank God for what He has already DONE!!

Our dear friend, Janet wife of Eurasia Teen Challenge Regional Director, has recovered from a very serious case of COVID-19. HALLELUJAH!!! She had pneumonia (and fluid) in both lungs, a high temperature that lasted for nine days along with a number of other symptoms. As people around the world prayed for her, God touched her in her body. Her fever broke, her lungs cleared, she has tested NEGATIVE for COVID-19 and she is again ministering powerfully for the Lord. Thank you Lord for healing our sister Janet!!

One of our dear friends and partners, Vicky in California has been battling with COVID-19 and had already been intubated and was in ICU. Her husband Bill asked for prayer and we joined with other friends and family and TC partners to pray for her. She is now OFF the ventilator, out of ICU and moving forward. Her kidneys did take a bit of a hit, so please continue to pray that the dialysis will not be necessary for much longer and that her kidneys are quickly and completely restored.

1) Novel Coronavirus

Please pray for those at risk, infected and affected by the novel coronavirus. (COVID-19), As the world battles Coronavirus with over 16 million infections in 196 nations and 650,000 deaths, please pray for leaders as they adopt and adapt emergency measures, travel restrictions, and quarantines to stem the spread of the virus.
World Health Organization Novel Coronavirus DASHBOARD

God have mercy and grant your wisdom. On July 28, More than 4,332,300 people in the United States have been infected with the coronavirus and at least 149,000 have died. That is a delicate balance between increased testing and failure of people to recognize social distancing instructions. Please pray as local governments make decisions concerning the opening of schools in just a few short weeks. Lord protect us all from decisions based on political agendas rather than public health and safety.

Please pray for our friends, partners and sacrificial ministry assets, who are sharing the Word at the epicenter of this pandemic. Pray for supernatural power, protection, and miracles to follow wherever they go. Please also pray for God’s wisdom for the scientists who are working to develop a cure and vaccine.

2) Tornado hits Teen Challenge Center in Brazil

We are continuing to pray for the rebuilding efforts for our Teen Challenge family in Brazil.
A tornado hit the men's center in Nova Trento, Brazil

It struck three large dorms. There was extensive damage, all three buildings lost roofs and one dorm was leveled. They have no insurance for the buildings.

3) Pray for Substance Abuse Worldwide

Pray for 270 million addicts worldwide., 40 Million trapped in addiction on the continent of Africa. May God grant Teen Challenge and the church supernatural strategies for life change. As many heard in the discussion about the European Union response on our Thursday Facebook Live… The use of harm mitigation is cutting down disease but sacrificing hope. Methadone, drug substitution, and rehabilitation are still short of the real promise that God offers in Jesus Christ. New creation and life transformation! I do not stand up and say "Hi my name is Bernie and I am a drug addict." My name is Bernie, I am CHILD of the KING!

270 million people worldwide struggle with substance abuse.
Please also pray as overdoses are on the rise during this difficult time.

3.6 million people die from their addiction each year.
7 die every minute
420 die every hour
10,080 die every day

Global Teen Challenge is on a mission mobilizing people and resources to put HOPE within reach of every addict.

4) Ministry, Reconciliation and Solutions

We are praying that God will grant supernatural solutions to the violence, destruction, and attacks taking place across our country but even more importantly destroying some of the most vulnerable communities of our nation. People who managed to survive COVID-19 and were barely keeping their businesses open have now lost them to the violence in some of the most poverty-stricken communities.

Lord, somehow send your hope to those whose life savings and lifework have been devastated by violent mobs shouting "burn it down, burn it down." Jesus, please send the peace that only You can give and show us how to minister in this critical hour.

5) In obedience to God’s Word . . .

“First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
1 Timothy 2:1-4 NASB


Please pray for wisdom for our travel schedule through 2020.  Thanking God that He will lead, guide and order our steps to the places He wants us to be.

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we can ask or think according to the power that works within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Jesus Christ to all generations forever and ever. AMEN
Ephesians 3:20-21


We appreciate those who pray for us and we want you to know that we are praying for you. In these unprecedented days, we are serving God and He never changes. We are praying for God's blessing on you and your family, your health, your jobs and your finances.
Our God is faithful and is the One who loved you so much that He sent his only Son. His word says "No good gift will he withhold from those who walk uprightly." He is our source! Our hope and our trust is in Him.


CLICK links to view reports Cote d'Ivoire-
EUROPE TC- Remembering their History EUROPE TC- Celebrating
50 years
Cape Town SA


Festival ~ M-ls-m
Sober Houses
Cape to Cairo

Masai Miracles

for praying
Communism falls in Eastern Europe
prayer disarms the Hammer & Sickle
Poland MIRACLES When I hosted men from Poland at TC 1983-I had no idea-
TC United Kingdom
reaching the lost and the most hopeless
Poland 25 years Ann-VIDEO
A fresh look

Big pharma-pushing dope & death
From sewers under Bucharest to HOPE