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Bus Accident

Praise God, His Mercy does endure forever. May 1991 I had just arrived in Canada. It was my second time traveling out in Western Canada. I remember getting on the bus that morning looking forward to crossing the Rockies and on to the Pacific Ocean and Vancouver. I remember the tour as one of the most rewarding in that many souls were saved and God was really using us to impact the darkness.

I was sitting on the bus snacking on some cheese, when suddenly I felt the bus was skidding sideways. The next thing I remembered, we were flipping and I held on tight knowing that we were in trouble. When we finally landed, I immediately thanked God that I was still alive.

I remember some of the men were anxiously trying to get out of the bus and they were stepping over me, so I thought I would just wait until everyone was off the bus, then I realized I had no feeling in my lower part of my body and my stomach was hard as a rock. When they freed me and carried me up to the triage trailer, an ambulance quickly followed and I was rushed to the hospital in Hinton, Alberta. My injuries were too serious to be dealt with in Hinton, so as the blizzard relented. I was airlifted by the helicopter air ambulance to Edmonton, Alberta.

I did not not really know what to expect, I was comforted with the thought I knew it was God that had spared not just my life, but also all who were on the bus. When the X-rays came back, I was diagnosed with a fractured C-5 vertebrae and they said I would never walk again.


I am from New York City boy, and here I was in a strange country thinking, "The choir is hundreds of miles away, I will have to face this alone since the they have to continue the tour." Still, I knew God was there for me, but I was amazed as people began to show up. People we had ministered to in the churches and schools. There was an amazing outpouring of support as they poured in to visit me in my hospital room.

One day I had so many visitors they had to move my bed to another room to accommodate those who were coming to pray. In spite of the dismal prognosis of the doctors, that I would never walk, five days later, by the grace of God and the prayers of his people I walked out of that hospital.

Reasonable men were encouraging me to return to Ontario, to convalesce and recover but I knew God had saved my life and I would not allow the devil to let me miss the end of this tour. I rejoined the Teen Challenge Choir in Vancouver, British Columbia, and we saw God move powerfully in churches, schools, and the prison. I will never forget singing Peerless Times in our next service. I had sung hundreds of times before, but never like that Sunday when I rejoined the Teen Challenge Choir in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Spence and Judy


God has truly blessed me. He's given me a beautiful wife, and continues to provide opportunities to share the miracle he has done in my life. What Jesus did for me was much more than setting me free from what everyone said would be a lifelong drug addiction and aimless life. He has actually given me a foundation to live for him

Three years ago I was rushed to the hospital were I was put into a coma to save my life. The doctors didn't give my wife much hope for me to wake up. It was a wait and see game. God spoke to my wife and said that because you have the blood of Jesus over the door post of your life, the spirit of death can't stay and 10 days later, I woke up.
God never promises us a life without pain and struggle, but He did promise us that He would never leave us nor forsake us. That has been my testimony. He has never left me. God has truly blessed Judy and I. We are both ordained Ministers today and we are excited about what God is doing in our lives. I am persuaded that nothing will ever separate me from the Love of God. (Rom. 8: 28). A new chapter is being written in my book of life. I can't wait to see what this chapter has to say.
Spence sings
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Tee Challenge Choir
George Glover Exec. Dir.
Chris Gillott (mom says)
Pete Gillott
Pentecostal Evangel