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There is no crazy story or reminiscing chronicle from our son Chris.

But Cathy writes--Our son Chris was 12 years old. He was actually the only one of our kids who was sitting in his seat as we went into the skid.

We are not really sure, but it's a good possibility that in the spin, a lighting box, or something else fairly substantial, slid around under the seats and crushed Chris's ankle fracturing the tibia and fibula

After two surgeries in four days in two different provinces, Chris finished out the tour on crutches. Wheelchair assist did move him to the front of the boarding line for the flight home from Vancouver. But the doctors sent him on his way with the report that since the fracture was through the growth plate, he would likely have one leg shorter than the other and not be able to play sports very well.

God had the last word!  He touched that ankle, and it healed and grew just as He planned. Chris played tennis in high school and basketball at University of Valley Forge. Now, as a husband to Nia, he spends good times as a daddy running with David (5) and Evangelia Grace aka Evie (3). Besides that, he runs for fun and exercise and ran a half marathon in Philadelphia in 2015.  We are so grateful for God's goodness to all of us!!  

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Pete Gillott
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